​​Rich in Mercy Institute

The Rich in Mercy Institute

The Rich in Mercy Institute is a Pennsylvania-based, 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit corporation founded in 1993 by Dr. Richard A. Gosser and his wife Daneen Gosser.

Inspired by the Christian Gospel, Rich in Mercy is rooted in the “Haiti work” begun by Rich and Daneen Gosser following their initial visit to Haiti in 1987.

Rich in Mercy is open to collaboration with people of all faiths and people who do not identify with any faith tradition.

"Taking the gospel as its starting point, a culture of solidarity needs to be promoted capable; of inspiring timely initiatives in support of the poor and outcast."
St. John Paul II, Ecclesia in America, #52

"The many situations of inequality, poverty and injustice, are signs not only of a profound lack of fraternity, but also of the absence of a culture of solidarity." 

Pope Francis, World Peace Day 2014

The purposes of the Institute are

  • to provide opportunities and inspire initiatives to serve, directly and indirectly, the spiritual and material needs of poor,  marginalized, and oppressed peoples
  • to educate for global justice and humane sustainability for the full community of life

Promoting a global culture of solidarity with the poor - in Haiti, Africa, and beyond. - for a more just and sustainable world   .  .  .